5 Deaths in Operation Sparking Reactions Over Strip Search, Naked Pictures Delivered to Press

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In an operation launched on the ground of claims that four members of the Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) were seen in Muğla province, seven people were strip-searched and detained yesterday (October 4) and five others were killed today.
Naked pictures delivered to press
What happened yesterday during the operation which was launched by units of Muğla Provincial Gendarmerie Command and Fethiye District Gendarmerie Command and continued for 10 days, has been brought to agenda in the Parliament.
After stopping a car in Muğla, soldiers had strip-searched seven people who were in the car and had later delivered their pictures to the press taken as they were forced to lay with their faces to the ground, naked and handcuffed behind their backs.
The search operation which was carried out by 80 people, had been launched after information was obtained by Muğla Provincial Gendarmerie and Fethiye District Gendarmerie Commands that a group of four PKK members were wondering around in the rural area of Seydikemer.
"Gendarmerie opened fire into the air"
By opening fire into the air, gendarmerie units stopped two different cars in the same region with each three and four people in them. Seven people were forced to step out of the cars, lay down facing the ground and were strip-searched.
Pictures of the seven taken during strip-search, lying naked with their faces to the ground and hands handcuffed behind their backs, were delivered to the press.
They were taken into custody and were taken to Muğla Provincial Security Directorate Anti-Terror Department.
Addressed in the Parliament, condemned by MPs
The incident was brought to agenda yesterday in the Parliament and was condemned by some MPs.
Authorities from the Ministry of Interior stated that an investigation has been launched into the incident.
Operation continued, five people were killed
The operation continued today although seven people were already taken into custody yesterday despite the fact that the operation was launched upon four people being reported.
According to the state-run Anadolu Agency (AA), five people have been killed, two others are still being searched for. One soldier has been injured. (HK/DG)