5-day blackout of Halk TV enters into effect

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The five-day blackout imposed by the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) on pro-opposition Halk TV started last night (September 28). While the broadcaster was notified of RTÜK's penalty on September 25, 2020, the blackout will remain in effect until 12 a.m on October 3.
Saying goodbye to its audience with a special program last evening, Halk TV has also been supported by several social media users. Several people, including politicians, have denounced the censorship under the hashtag #HalkTvKarartılıyor (Halk TV is being blacked out).
Before the blackout entered into force, İYİ Party Chair Meral Akşener, main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Felicity Party (SP) Chair Temel Karamollaoğlu, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chair Mithat Sancar, Democratic Party Chair Gültekin Uysal and Workers' Party of Turkey (TİP) Chair Erkan Baş expressed their support for the channel by attending the live program on the phone.
Among the ones who have expressed their support for the channel on social media is also DEVA Party Chair Ali Babacan, who previously served in several senior positions in subsequent AKP governments.
Some messages of support on social media are as follows:
Muhalif seslerin zaten duyulamadığı medyada RTÜK'ün de fikir polisliğine soyunması kabul edilemez.
— Ali Babacan (@alibabacan) September 27, 2020
Tamamı ifade özgürlüğü içinde olan konuşmalar için Halk TV'nin beş gün kapatılmasını kınıyorum.
DEVA Party Chair Ali Babacan: "In the media where oppositional voices are already not heard, the thought-policing of the RTÜK is inacceptable. I condemn the blackout of Halk TV for five days over speeches all of which fall within the scope of freedom of expression."
Özgür basın hepimize gerek. Ekranlarını birçok sese ve görüşe açan Halk Tv’nin karartılması ülke için büyük ayıp. #halktvkarartılıyor
— Caghan Kizil (@CaKizil) September 27, 2020
Neuroscientist Çağhan Kızıl: "Free press is necessary for all of us. The blackout of Halk TV, which opens its screens to several voices and opinions, is a great shame for the country."
HalkTv'nin varlığı Türkiye'deki medyanın çok sesliliği için hayati bir önem taşıyordu.
— Lütfü Türkkan (@LutfuTurkkan) September 27, 2020
Söz bitti. Hukuk da...#halktvkarartılıyor
İYİ Party Parliamentary Group Deputy Chair: "The existence of Halk TV was of vital importance for the pluralism of voices in Turkey's media. There is no words left to say. No law either..."
#halktvkarartılıyor demek ki doğru yayıncılık yapmış
— Cem Say (@say_cem) September 27, 2020
Academic Cem Say: "Halk TV is being blacked out. So, it apparently did true broadcasting."
Bu akşam Halk Tv beş gün süreyle karartılıyor.
— ElfinTataroğlu (@ElfinTataroglu) September 27, 2020
Gerçekleri öğrenmeye bu kadar ihtiyaç duyduğumuz bir dönemde demokrasi adına kabul edilebilir bir durum değil.#Halktvkarartılıyor
Academic Elfin Tataroğlu: "Tonight, Halk TV is going to be blacked out for five days. In a period when we are in such a dire need to learn the truths, it is inacceptable for democracy."
Halk TV ekranları bu gece saat 24.00'te karartılıyor.
— Av.Mahmut TANAL (@MTanal) September 27, 2020
RTÜK, en ufak eleştiride muhalif kanalları cezalandırıyor.
Yandaş kanallardaki skandallara ise göz yumuyor.
Sansür ve baskı düzeni elbet son bulacak. #halktvkarartılıyor @halktvcomtr #HalkTVSusturulamaz
CHP MP Mahmut Tanal: "Halk TV screens are going to be blacked out at 24 at night. RTÜK punishes opposition channels over the tiniest criticism while turning a blind eye to the scandals in pro-government channels. The system of censorship and pressure is sure to end."
neotürkiye’nin utanç günlüğü https://t.co/g08Z8wcI4g
— mustafahos (@mustafahos) September 27, 2020
Journalist Mustafa Hoş: "The journal of shame of neo-Turkey."
What happened?
RTÜK imposed a five-day blackout on Halk TV over the remarks of Ayeşnur Arslan, the producer and host of "Medya Mahallesi" (Media Neighborhood) program, and her guest Hüsnü Mahalli, who criticized the foreign policy of the government in their live program aired on June 16, 2020.
Halk TV appealed against this penalty and the court gave a ruling of stay of execution in August 2020. However, when the trial ended, the court removed the stay of execution and ruled that the blackout should be imposed. The decision was notified to the channel on September 25.
Broadcaster TELE 1 was also imposed a blackout for five days on September 3. The remarks of TELE 1 Editor-in-Chief Merdan Yanardağ about Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid was cited as the reason for the blackout. (HA/SD)