450 Thousand Syrian Children Born in Turkey

* Photo: Anadolu Agency / Archive
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The Refugees and Asylum Seekers Assistance and Solidarity Association (RASAS) has shared the latest data about the Syrians registered in Turkey.
According to the Association, the number of Syrians registered in Turkey as of October 10 has increased by 8 thousand 529 people in a month and reached 3 million 674 thousand 588 people.
While 1 million 991 thousand 638 registered Syrians are men, the remaining 1 million 682 thousand 950 are women. 98.29 percent of all Syrian registered in Turkey reportedly live in cities, the RASAS has informed.
1 million 719 thousand 533 Syrians aged 0-18 years
There are currently 1 million 719 thousand 533 Syrians aged 0-18 in Turkey. The number of registered Syrians under the age of 10 is 1 million 58 thousand 844, which accounts for 28.81 percent of all Syrians.
When the Syrians aged 0-18 and women are taken together, their number is 2 million 581 thousand 175 in total, accounting for 70.24 percent of all Syrians registered in Turkey.
There are currently 829 thousand 664 Syrian people between the ages of 15 and 24. Also called the young population, they account for 22.57 percent of total Syrian population registered in Turkey.
The rate of young population in Turkey is 15.8 percent.
There are more men than women
According to the figures shared by the association, the number of Syrian men registered in Turkey is 308 thousand 688 higher than that of women.
As of October 10, 63 thousand 148 Syrians currently live in temporary shelters. This figure was 63 thousand 187 last month (September 2019), 143 thousand 558 in January 2019 and 228 thousand 251 in January 2018.
In other words, the number of Syrians living in camps has decreased by 80 thousand 410 people in the first 10 months of 2019. Only 1.7 percent of Syrians registered in Turkey live in camps.
Bayburt is the city with smallest Syrian population
According to the figures shared by the Immigration Authority, while İstanbul is the city with the highest Syrian population, Bayburt is the one with the smallest Syrian population. That is, while there are 549 thousand 477 Syrians living in İstanbul as of October 10, there are only 37 Syrians in Bayburt. There are 57 Syrians in Dersim.
In terms of population density, while Syrians account for 0.02 percent of Artvin's population, they amount to 81.83 percent of Kilis' population.
92 thousand 280 people given citizenship
According to a statement made by the Ministry of Interior on August 1, 2019, the number of Syrians given the citizenship of Turkey is 92 thousand 280.
While 47 thousand of these naturalized Syrians are adults, the remaining 45 thousand 280 are children.
450 thousand children born in Turkey
In a statement by Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu on September 19, the number of Syrian babies born in Turkey is around 450 thousand. Soylu also added that 354 thousand Syrians returned to their countries.
The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services also released a statement about the refugees on March 31, 2019. The Ministry announced that 31 thousand 185 Syrians obtained work permit in Turkey.
In a statement released by the Ministry of Trade, it was indicated that as of February 26, 2019, the number of companies with at least one Syrian shareholder was 15 thousand 159. (RT/SD)