400 Thousand Social Media Posts about March 8 in a Week

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The year 2017 is the first time when March 8 Women's Day has become the most-mentioned moment on Facebook. In the media of Turkey as well, 489,095 women-themed news reports have been published.
Majority of March 8 posts and comments on Facebook have been shared by young people
In 2017, March 8 Women's Day has for the first time become the most-mentioned moment on Facebook. Half of all posts and comments about March 8 have been shared through accounts that were opened in the US, Brazil, India, Mexico and Argentina.
This visibility has continued with the #timesup and #metoo campaigns organized against harassment.
In the last three months, more than quarter of all posts and comments shared on Facebook about March 8 have been posted by young people between the ages of 18 and 24.
When analyzed globally, it is seen that 43 percent of all Facebook pages owned by small-sized enterprises have been created by women, which means an increase of 21 percent in comparison with last year and an increase of more than 94 percent in comparison with 2015.
Women also comprise 70 percent of all people who have raised donations on Facebook.
489 thousand women-themed news reports in the media of Turkey in 2017
The data collected by the Media Monitoring Center have shown that 489,095 "women-themed" news reports have been published in the written, visual and Internet media of Turkey in 2017.
118,429 of these news reports have appeared in written media, 16,031 of them in visual media and 354,635 of them in Internet media.
bianet, which does its media monitoring for its male violence monitoring reports through the database of Media Monitoring Center, has analyzed these 489,095 news reports. According to this analysis, in 2017, men killed more than 290 women, 22 children and 34 men who were with the women during the incident / tried to prevent the attack; raped 101 women; harassed 247 women; sexually abused 376 girls and injured 417 women.
400 thousand March 8 posts in 1 week
The data collected by Media Monitoring Center have shown that 400 posts and comments have been shared about March 8 Women's Day in the 1-7 March 2018 week. (ÇT/SD)