4 Killed And 10 Injured in Police Raid
Operation with panzers, armoured troop carriers
According to official sources, the police and other special police teams met resistance from a group of protesters waiting behind barricades. The police tanks cleared the barricades and the demonstrators answered by throwing Molatov cocktails. The police retaliated by firing into the air and pursued the demonstrators into the side streets and raided some houses. Tear gas was used and lots of demonstrators were taken into custody.
Sultan Yildiz, who, from police wireless reports, was considered the leader of the demonstrators, died during the operation. Although the police claimed that she burned herself this was contradicted by a lawyer from the People's Law Bureau, Behic Asci. He said that Yildiz was killed by the police with one shot to the head. The other three people who died in the operation are Bülent Durgaç, Barış Kaş, and Arzu Güler. Others were injured, some seriously, and the number of dead may increase.
A committee composed of members of the Istanbul Human Rights Association was sent to investigate the case. In the Committee's fist report it is stated that: "According to the witnesses' statements the police did not face any direct opposition from the protesters. After the death of four people, the police dragged the injured ones to ambulances."