4.2-magnitude earthquake in Marmara Sea

* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA)
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A light earthquake hit İstanbul today (September 24). Interior Ministry's Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) has announced that the earthquake occured in the Marmara Sea in northwestern Turkey.
As indicated by the AFAD, the earthquake occured at 4.38 p.m. at a magnitude of 4.2 and at a distance of 18.87 kilometers from Marmaraereğlisi, a district in İstanbul's neighboring Tekirdağ province.
According to the AFAD statement, the earthquake reportedly took place at a dept of 6.83 kilometers to the surface of Marmara Sea.
The eartquake was felt in İstanbul and its neighboring cities.
Shortly after the earthquake hit the city, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) announced the magnitude of the earthquake as 4 and its epicenter as the Marmara Sea.
In a statement released by the Governor's Office of İstanbul, it has been indicated that "no unfavorable incident has been reported in the city so far."
— AFAD Deprem (@DepremDairesi) September 24, 2020
Büyüklük : 4.2 (Mw)
Yer : Marmara Denizi, 18.87 km. Marmaraereglisi (Tekirdag)
Tarih-Saat : 24.09.2020, 16:38:31 TSİ
Enlem : 40.8268 N
Boylam : 28.0920 E
Derinlik : 6.83 km
Detay : https://t.co/l7YMsPRvRS@afadbaskanlik @trthaber @anadoluajansi