31 Men, 19 Women in CHP’s New Party Assembly

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New 52-person Party Assembly (PA) and its eight members have become clear in 35th Ordinary Meeting of Republican People’s Party (CHP) held at the weekend.
Woman and youth quota included in CHP statute wasn’t implemented in the initial results announced following the elections held on Sunday.
CHP has announced its new PA results with quota taken into account.
Woman quota is 33%
CHP statute writes that women should consist 33% of the PA. According to this, there must be at least 17 women in the list of 52 people.
Berhan Şimşek, Kadir Gökmen Öğüt, Haluk Pekşen, Mehmet Yula, Ekrem Kerem Oktay, İrfan Önal ve Okan Gaytancıoğlu elected for PA membership have been excluded from the list with the implementation of woman and youth quota.
Emre Çam through youth quota, and Gamze Taşçıer, Canan Kaftancıoğlu, Sera Kadıgil, Tuğba Ütebay, Ferihan Karasu and Sevda Erdan through gender quota have become the figures entering the PA.
In the election held for 60-person PA, 20 people from the key list of CHP Leader, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu couldn’t enter the PA.
Ayşe Sayın from Cumhuriyet daily shared the following notes as to the matter:
- In the last period of CHP meetings, most of the time the number of people penetrating the list wasn’t more than two or three.
- There were many considering Fikri Sağlar and İlhan Cihaner “favorite” to enter the list.
- However, even though intense lobbying was carried out, and provincial organizations and opponents prepare alternative lists and work in “mutual” solidarity, no one deemed likely that over 20 people would enter the list.
- Penetration of one third of the list points out that Kılıçdaroğlu won’t be as comfortable as before since opponents will be now more active in party committee.
New PA and votings
Selin Sayek Böke (691), Erdal Aksünger (603), Fikri Sağlar (595), Ali Özgündüz (546), Necati Yılmaz (526), Veli Ağbaba (523), Aykut Erdoğdu (495), Devrim Kök (492), Haluk Koç (482), Gürsel Erol (454), Candan Yüceer (451), Hakkı Süha Okay (438), Seyit Torun (434), İlhan Cihaner (433), Ali Özcan (422), Mehmet Tüm (414), Bülent Tezcan (413), Mustafa Moroğlu (411), Eren Erdem (410), Sezgin Tanrıkulu (406), Ali Öztunç (405), Çetin Sosyal (404), Tekin Bingöl (379), Mehmet Ali Çelebi (378), İdris Yıldız (364), Bülent Kuşoğlu (359), Öztürk Yılmaz (358), Gamze Akkuş İlgezdi (354), Gülseren Onanç (349), Çetin Osman Budak (346), Kamil Okyay Sındır (345), Haydar Akar (342), Zeynep Altıok Akatlı (340), Orhan Sarıbal (338), Hakkı Akalın (336), İdris Akyüz (336), Mevlüt Dudu (335), Aylin Nazlıaka (332), Sibel Özdemir (330), Turan Hançerli 330, Yıldırım Kaya (330), Hüsnü Süslü (329), Yasemin Öney Cankurtaran (325), Gülizar Biçer Karaca (319), Yaşar Seyman (310), Emre Çam (310), Gamze Taşçıer (306), Canan Kaftancıoğlu (301), Sera Kadıgil (290), Tuğba Ütebay (272), Ferihan Karasu (267), Sevda Erdan Kılıç (264),
Science Administration and Culture Platform
Özkan Yıldız (864), Gaye Usluer (857), Ayşe Eser Danışoğlu (847), Lale Karabıyık (844), Ahmet Caner Yenidünya (825), Ali Rıza Erbay (816),Alper Keten (742) ve Zeki Kılıçarslan (735). (EKN/TK)