3 Defendants Sentenced to Aggravated Lifetime Imprisonment in Trial of Sultanahmet Attack

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Case about the attack, which occurred at historical Sultanahmet Square in İstanbul on January 12, 2016 killing 12 citizens of Germany, wounding 16 others, concluded today (January 31).
Three defendants were sentenced to aggravated lifetime imprisonment and 329 years in prison each by İstanbul 14th Heavy Penal Court.
Four arrested defendants and their lawyers attended the hearing. The defendants demanded their release and immediate acquittal.
Passing the sentence on following the defendants’ demands, the court found Atala El Hasan El Mayyuf, Fevzi Muhammed Ali and Halil Derviş guilty on charges of “attempting to abolish constitutional order” and “possessing dangerous materials without permission”.
The court sentenced arrested defendant Abdulrahman Faaiz Rashıd Rashıd to 6 years and 3 months in prison on charge of “being a member of an armed terrorist organization”. Rashıd was released with an international travel ban.
18 defendants were acquitted, and it was ruled that files of four fugitive defendants be separated.
The citizens of Germany lost their lives in the suicide attack carried out by Nabil Fadlı detonating the bomb on his body at around 10:20 a.m. on January 12, 2016.
Names of the people who were killed in the attack: Marianne Faber, Adolf Jurgen Glorius, Birgit Glorius, Rüdiger Karl Faber, Steffen Höppner, Rudolf Krollman, Karin Erika Franke-Dütz, Gernot Eike Mildner, Gerhard Günther Höppner, Hiltrud Krollman, Rudiger Becker and a 52-year-old Bavarian woman. (AS/TK)