28.3 percent of young people in neither education nor employment

* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA)
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The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) shared the "Youth in Statistics" for 2020 yesterday (May 17). According to the data shared by the state agency, the youth population in the age group of 15-24 constituted 15.4 percent of the total population of Turkey last year.
According to the results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS), while the total population of Turkey was 83 million 614 thousand and 362 by the end of 2020, the youth population at the age group of 15-24 was 12 million 893 thousand and 750.
While males constituted 51.3 percent of the youth population, females constituted 48.7 percent of it.
Hakkari was the youngest province
It was seen that the proportion of Turkey's youth population with 15.4 percent was higher than that of 27 EU member countries.
When the proportions of youth population of 27 European Union (EU) countries were analyzed, the countries with the highest proportion of youth population were Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus (GCASC) and Ireland with 12.7 percent, Denmark with 12.5 percent, Netherlands with 12.3 percent, respectively. The countries with the lowest proportion of youth population were Bulgaria with 8.8 percent, Czechia with 9.0 percent and Latvia with 9.1 percent, respectively.
According to ABPRS results, the province with the highest proportion of youth population was Hakkari with 23.4 percent in 2020.
Hakkari was followed by Şırnak with 22.5 percent and Siirt with 21.8 percent. The provinces with the lowest proportions of youth population were Muğla with 12.5 percent, Sinop and Balıkesir with 12.8 percent.
Net enrollment rate on the decrease
In Turkey, while the net enrollment rate in higher education in the 2018/'19 educational year was 44.1 percent, this rate decreased to 43.4 percent in the 2019/'20 educational year. When the net enrollment rate in higher education was analyzed by sex, while this rate for males decreased from 41.9 percent to 40.6 percent, for females it decreased from 46.4 percent to 46.3 percent.
Unemployment, employment, education
According to the results of the household labor force survey, while labor force participation rate for young people was 44.4 percent in 2019, it was 39.1 percent in 2020. While labor force participation rate for young males was 55.9 percent in 2019, it was 50.1 percent in 2020. While this rate for young females was 32.6 percent in 2019, it was 27.5 percent in 2020.
While the unemployment rate for young people was 25.4 percent in 2019, it was 25.3 percent in 2020. While unemployment rate for young males was 22.5 percent in 2019, it was 22.6 percent in 2020. While this rate for young females was 30.6 percent in 2019, it was 30.3 percent in 2020.
While the proportion of young people who took part in neither education nor employment was 26 percent in 2019, it was 28.3 percent in 2020.
While the proportion of young males who took part in neither education nor employment was 18.3 percent in 2019, it was 21.2 percent in 2020.
While the proportion of young females who took part in neither education nor employment was 34.0 percent in 2019, it was 35.7 in 2020.
Causes of death
According to death and cause of death statistics, 37.4 percent of the youth in the 15-24 age group who died in 2019, died due to external causes of injury and poisoning. This disease was followed by malign and benign neoplasms in the second place with 10.0 percent and diseases of the nervous system and sense organs in the third place with 8.6 percent.
When the causes of death were analyzed by sex, the proportion of young males who died due to external causes of injury and poisoning was 39.9 percent, and the proportion of young females was 31.0 percent. The proportion of young males who died due to malignant and benign neoplasms was 8.1 percent, and the proportion of young females was 14.9 percent. (AÖ/SD)