25 Killed, 390 Wounded in Two Blasts
The first explosion hit the Turkish headquarters of the London-based HSBC bank and the British consulate on Thursday, killing at least 25 people and wounding more than 390, health officials said, days after the city was hit by two synagogue bombings.
British Prime Minister Toni Blair during his welcome speech for US Presdident George Bush told that British citizenzs too were killed in the blasts. Britains İstanbul Council Roger Short too is reported killed.
The Counsulates gates and walls were ruined after the blast. The council has reportedly just entered in the alley when the bomb loaded truck exploded in front of the building.
A man calling the semiofficial Anatolia news agency claimed that Al-Qaida and the Turkish Islamic militant group IBDA-C jointly claimed responsibility for attacks.
The specialists are of the opinion that claim is not serious as the organization was craked down recently.