1 MAY 2010
22,000 Policemen in Taksim for a 'Peaceful 1 May'

Six labour union confederations will walk towards Taksim in a converging demonstration from three different starting points on Labour Day on 1 May. An organizational board was established by the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions (DİSK), the Turkish Confederation of Labour Unions (Türk-İş), the Hak Workers Trade Union Confederation (Hak-İş), the Confederation of Trade Unions of Public Employees (KESK), the Civil Servant Unions Confederation (Memur-Sen) and the Public Workers Unions Confederation of Turkey (Kamu-Sen).
Mustafa Avcı, Istanbul Provincial Chairman of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) said that events have been organized by 33 district centres to celebrate Labour Day. Avcı said, "1 May is of strategic importance for us this year. This society is not ready anymore to be called to account for the solution of the Kurdish question".
Demands of Leftist Parties for 1 May
The Freedom and Solidarity Party (ÖDP), the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), the Labour Party (EMEP) and the Felicity Party (SP) announced their agenda for 1 May to bianet. The left-wing parties will draw attention to unemployment and unsecured working conditions. They furthermore demand to bring light into the events on so-called "Bloody 1 May" in 1977 and into all political killings.
More than 22,000 policemen in Istanbul
The Governor of Istanbul, Muammer Güler, announced the plan for Labour Day on 1 May, when thousands of people are expected to gather at Istanbul's centrally located Taksim Square. Güler emphasized that they want a democratic and peaceful course of events.
Broad barriers: Members of six labour union confederations will meet at three different points. They will walk towards the meeting points in the near vicinity of Taksim square starting from three different places, namely the Şişli mosque (via the main road), the Inönü Stadium (along the Bosporus) and the district of Şişhane (via Istiklal Avenue). Governor Güler said that the area of Taksim will be entirely open for the celebrations. The controlled area defined by blockades and police controls will be spread out to a wider area.
Anger management training for Anti-Riot Forces: Around 22,360 police officers will be on duty in Istanbul on 1 May, including reinforcement forces. Anger management training was given to Anti-Riot Forces. Reinforcement forces received additional training.
People should come for labour and solidarity only: Güler called upon the participants of the event, "People should come for labour and solidarity only. The smallest negative incident will be a disregard of labour and workers. The flags and posters to be carried and the slogans have been determined by the organizational committee. The committee expects participants to respect the rules. The organizational committee will be together with the police at the check points. I convey my heartfelt congratulations for the Labour Day on 1 May. I recall not to forget that workers will be among the security personnel in the area. It should be a celebration that will not harm the image of Istanbul [...]". (BB/TK/VK)