2004 was Good for Women, 2005 will Be Better
They list legal regulations, the increased public awareness about honor crimes, and cooperation among women's groups as positive developments in 2005.
The women are happy about the legal regulations, but emphasize that efforts need to continue to have them implemented. They say that they will continuously express criticism and proposals about laws.
One of the most important developments was the amendment to the Turkish Penal Code (TCK) to define crime against women as "crime against individuals," instead of "crime against the family, society or tradition." Another positive development, was the change in Municipal Law. The law now requires each municipality with a population of at least 50,000, to set up a shelter.
Women's groups expect amendments to the Law on Elections and Political Parties in 2005, to allow forthe implementation of women's quotas and an increase in employment among women.
The women also want the United States of America to end its occupation in Iraq. They want peace and stability in the region, and ask that the violence against their fellow women ends.
Mehtap Kizilkan from the Diyarbakir Women's Center, Adile Necla Olcer, the head of the Mersin Independent Women's Association, Senal Sarihan, the head of Republican Women's Association, Surreya Turgut Ayaz from Batman Women's Solidarity Center, Ayla Yildirim from Bursa Gunyuzu Women's Cooperative, Suheyla Dogan from the Canakkale Women's Solidarity Group, and Cigdem Aydin, deputy head of the Association to Support and Train Women Candidates talked about their expectations in 2005:
Kizilkan: Our most important expectation is the setting up of shelters
* The number of women in the southeast, who die in honor crimes is still high; but the number of survivors is also increasing.
* The notions of "tradition" and "honor" have to be clearly understood; the phrase "tradition killings" in the TCK should be replaced with "honor killings."
* Our most important expectation in 2005 is for the municipalities to set up women's shelters.
Dogan: We want a quota of 50 percent, not 30 percent
* The European Court of Human Rights' decision about surnames was positive; it was also significant that there was such a high participation at the 7th Women's Shelters Congress; among other developments were the women's fight against honor crimes and the increase in public awareness,
* One of the most important targets in 2005 is to go-ahead with the "No to Economic Violence" campaign.
* It will again be our duty to pressure government institutions to set up women's shelters.
* More effort should be spent for equal participation of women in politics. Women should increase their demand of "30 percent quota" to 50 percent. There should be a joint effort for amendments to the Law on Political Parties and Elections.
Olcer: We want the right of equal participation in every field
* Women's demands were taken into account in many legal regulations. We will continue to press for our demands in 2005.
* The parliament in Turkey still belongs to men. We are going to continue spending effort to change that.
* It was very significant that in 2004, through amendments to the Municipal Law, municipalities with a minimum population of 50,000 were required to set up a shelter.
* In 2005 we want equal participation for women in every field. We want violence to lessen, women to become stronger economically, and more workplaces to be set up.
Sarihan: There should be a Commission of Equal Opportunity
* The improvements in the Law for the Protection of the Family no:4320, the Civil Law, and the TCK, and the developments about the social rights of women, especially about birth and child aid, were very positive.
* The most important step taken in the country, was to increase public awareness about honor crimes. The fact that some judges don't reduce the sentences in honor crime cases, shows that there is an increase in public awareness.
* Our most important goal in the newyear, will be to help teach the laws and get our legal achievements implemented. Judges, prosecutors, police officers and victims should improve their awareness of their legal rights. If we don't ensure that our legal achievements are implemented, they will all be in vain.
* Commissions should be set up to increase awareness about the discrimination against women at the Grand National Assembly (TBMM). A commission for equal opportunity is especially important.
Ayaz: Law no: 4320 is spreading
* 2004 was a positive year. Women in Batman still face violence but they are also still fighting against violence.
* We are trying to heighten the awareness of women, and trying to increase our fields of occupation.
* 2005 will be an even better year. Turkey will approve more legal regulations as it strives to join the European Union. Women are becoming more conscious, and are remaining hopeful. Our goal is to reduce violence.
Yildirim: Men continue to hit, the state continues to protect
* 2004 was not a very good year for the world. Many people lost their lives because of the U.S.' plans in the Middle East. Women were tortured and raped.
* From the women's point of view, there are some improvements in laws but these are usually not implemented. Violence against women is increasing.
* "Men continue to hit, and the state continues to protect them." There still are not institutions that women can apply to. The state doesn't support women's institutions.
Aydin: We have the Law on Political Parties and Elections on our agenda
* The year 2004 was both positive and negative for us. We think that some of the amendments to the TCK are quite positive. Some amendments to the Labor Law were also good. But the article on the sharing of property in the Civil Law is problematic.
* In 2005, the Law on Elections and Political Parties will come on the agenda. We are spending efforts so that the women's quota is accepted. (BB/EA/YE)