2 vice rectors for the appointed rector of Boğaziçi University

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After ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan appointed Prof. Melih Bulu as a new rector to Boğaziçi University by a Presidential decree on January 2, the names of vice rectors were shared with the public yesterday (February 8).
Prof. Gökhan Kumbaroğlu from the Department of Industrial Engineering and Prof. Mehmet Naci İnci from Physics Department have taken office as the new vice rectors of the appointed rector of Boğaziçi.
The appointment of Prof. Kumbaroğlu was announced last week.
On the same day, it was also announced that Dr. Oğuzhan Aygören, an lecturer at Boğaziçi and also a founding member of the opposition DEVA Party, was appointed as an adviser to Bulu. However, the next day, Aygören released a statement and declined the position.
About Prof. Kumbaroğlu
Faculty Member of Boğaziçi University Department of Industrial Engineering. The Executive Board Chair of Energy Economy Association.
He did his PhD at the Department of Industrial Engineering of Middle East Technical University (METU) in 2001. He completed his MA studies at the same department and school in the capital city of Ankara in 1995.
He graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering in Gazi University in the capital in 1990.
According to Boğaziçi University's web page, Prof. Gökhan Kumbaroğlu has two publications, namely "Karbon Vergisi ile Sera Gazı Emisyonlarının Azaltımı: Turkiye Vakası" (Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emission with Carbon Tax: Case of Turkey) and "Regional opportunities for China to go low-carbon: results from the REEC model".
As reported by the state-run Anadolu Agency (AA), Kumbaroğlu received "the first 'Energy Oscar' of Turkey" in 2011. The award in question was the ICC 2011. As reported by the press at the time, he was one of the 15 people who were granted the "Award for Scientific Contribution to Energy Markets", one of the ICCI 2011 Awards.
About Prof. İnci
Faculty member of Boğaziçi University Physics Department.
He did his PhD in Physics at the Heriot-Watt University in the United Kingdom (UK) in 1992. He graduated from the Department of Physics of Marmara University in 1987. He was a faculty member of the Sabancı University Department of Engineering and Natural Sciences in 1999-2005.
In 2005, he became a professor of physics at the Boğaziçi University. He was a department head from 2014 to 2018. (EKN/SD)