2 Thousand 880 Citizens of Turkey Apply for EU Asylum in October

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October has become the month, when the highest number of asylum applications were made to the European Union (EU) countries in 2018, according to a report of the European Asylum Support Office (EASO).
Among the 60,500 applicants in total, 2,880 are citizens of Turkey, which is also a record high for the country when all applications submitted in the first ten months of 2018 are considered.
According to data provided in the report, 17,300 citizens of Turkey are currently awaiting for reply. 44 percent of the applicants from Turkey have been granted asylum in the last six months.
Most applications came from Syria
Syria was the country, where most applicants came from. Syria is followed by Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Turkey.
Turkey was in the seventh rank in 2017 in terms of asylum applications. According to the report, numbers of applicants from Iran and Turkey both increased. More than 3 thousand people from Iran applied for asylum in October, with around 14 thousand awaiting reply. (OI/HK/VK)