2 Peace Declaration Signatory Academics Discharged from Mersin University

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Two academics, who signed the declaration entitled “We Will not be a Party to This Crime”, have been discharged from Mersin University.
The university presidency hasn’t extended the contracts of Assist. Prof. Dr. Hakan Mercan and Assist. Prof. Dr. Tolga Tören on the grounds of the administrative and criminal investigations launched into the academics for having signed the peace declaration.
The number of academics expelled from Mersin University since the declarations was released has reached 15.
Those whose contracts weren’t extended are Esin Gülsen,Galip Deniz Altınay ve Bermal Aydın, Yasemin Karaca, Mustafa Şener, Veli Mert, Bediz Yılmaz, Melehat Kutun, Eylem Çamuroğlu Çığ, Ali Ekber Doğan, Ertan Zereyak, Esra Ergüzeloğlu Kilim, Hakan Mertcan and Tolga Tören. Furthermore, Selim Çakmaklı had to resign because of crackdowns, prosecutions and investigations. (BK/TK)