2 Attacks, 3 Wounded in Mardin

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The improvised explosive device planted on Akıncılar Bridge by the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) members was detonated as armored police vehicle drove by in Turkey's southeastern Kızıltepe district of Mardin province yesterday (July 4).
In the attack in which police vehicle wasn't damaged, three civilians one of whom was pregnant injured on the bridge.
The device was detonated at around 9 p.m. after the armored vehicles of District Security Directorate drove by.
The wounded have been taken to Kızıltepe State Hospital by medical units for treatment.
Attack on police station
An offensive was launched by PKK members with rocket launchers and long-barreled weapons on Gürün Gendarmerie Station situated at the entrance of Bagok Mountain in Nusaybin district of Mardin province.
Conflict erupted following the offensive launched at around 10 p.m. yesterday (July 4). Operation has been started in the region.
Mardin Governorship has banned activities such as "demonstration and rallies, meeting, setting up tents" for 30 days as of July 3 due to "recent terror activities". (AS/TK)