195 million-year-old megalodon fossils found in Turkey's Antalya

Photo: AA
The fossils of extinct shark species megalodon that lived in the marine ecosystems 195 million years ago were discovered on the surface of a marble piece in a marble quarry in Turkey's Mediterranean resort city of Antalya, Anadolu Agency (AA) reported.
Some workers, while mining in a marble quarry in Antalya's Korkuteli district, found on the marble surface fossils of one of the largest sea creatures ever existed.
Later, a geological engineer Fuzuli Yağmurlu with Süleyman Demirel University inspected the fossils and found that the figures were formed by remains of an extinct mussel-like megalodon that lived in the marine ecosystem 195 million years ago.
A 16 meters long Megalodon representation in the Museum of Evolution in Puebla, Mexico. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
A megalodon has a thick mussel-like double shell, Yağmurlu said, adding that the shape of their fossils is similar to that of a human heart.
Yağmur Eren, an export specialist of the marble factory, told AA that the workers noticed a different image on the surface of the stone.
Eren said it is the first time they have had encountered such an incident in the marble quarry, adding: "We are currently exhibiting the marble in the quarry here." (VK)