174 workers lost their lives in August

* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA) / Archive
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The Health and Safety Labor Watch (İSİG) has released its August 2021 report on the workers from Turkey who died in occupational homicides. The report has shown that 174 workers lost their lives in August and 1,494 workers lost their lives in the first eight months of 2021. While 150 of the 174 deceased workers were wage earners, 24 were self-employed.
Noting that seven of the deceased workers in August were women, the report has said that the occupational homicides of women took place in the fields of agriculture, trade, healthcare and accommodation.
According to the İSİG report, 16 refugee workers were also among the workers who lost their lives in Turkey in August.
The highest number of occupational homicides were reported in the fields of agriculture/forestry, construction/road building, transportation, healthcare, metal, security, trade/bureau, accomodation, energy, municipal/general affairs, mining, textile, ship/dock, chemistry and wood.
'Most frequent cause of death is road accident'
Noting that 21 workers and 16 farmers died in the field of agriculture in August and a worker lost his or her life in construction sites almost everyday, the report has said that only five of the 174 deceased were the members of a union; they were working in the fields of education and metal.
According to the report, the most frequent causes of death were road accidents, novel coronavirus (COVID-19), being crushed/trapped under debris, heart attack, falling from a higher place, being electrocuted, being poisoned/drowning, violence and suicide.
The report has indicated that 11 of the deceased workers were children and 44 were at or over the age of 51. They were working in the sectors of agriculture, food, mining, textile, wood, metal, energy, transportation, ship, healthcare, accommodation, security and municipality.
Highest number of deaths in İstanbul
In August, the highest number of deaths took place in İstanbul. While 18 workers lost their lives in occupational homicides in İstanbul, 10 workers each lost their lives in Antalya, İzmir and Maraş, nine workers died in Antep, six workers each died in Kocaeli and Manisa, five workers each died in Ankara, Balıkesir, Diyarbakır, Sakarya and Urfa, four workers each lost their lives in Çanakkale, Konya and Mersin, three workers each died in Artvin, Bolu, Bursa, Sivas, Tekirdağ and Spain, two workers each lost their lives in Adana, Adıyaman, Batman, Edirne, Erzurum, Giresun, Hatay, Kastamonu, Kayseri, Muğla and Nevşehir and one worker each died in Afyon, Ağrı, Aksaray, Aydın, Bartın, Bayburt, Bilecik, Çorum, Denizli, Düzce, Karabük, Karaman, Kars, Kırşehir, Kilis, Kütahya, Mardin, Ordu, Osmaniye, Şırnak, Trabzon, Uşak, Yalova, Zonguldak, Germany, Iraq, Russia and Greece.
The names of the deceased workers
Ali Özkılıç, İbrahim Erdoğan, Mehmet Cin, Hasan Düzgüner, Resmiye Engel, Nebiye Yiğit, Hilmi Çakıcı, Faruk Özkan, İmam Şahin, Abdülhamit Gür, Mahmut Karaaslan, Erdal Çubuk, Seçkin Akıncı, Mert Yıldırım, Yunus Topal, M.M., Yaşar Koç, Saim Akçıl, Yaşar Öztopaloğlu, Serkan Mirzaoğlu, Oğuz Avşar Aydın, Edip Uzunoğlu, Evgenii Kuznetsov, Vladislav Berkutov, Nıkolai Omelchenko, Vadim Karasev, Lurii Chuborov, Belkize (Hacer) Çelik, Mustafa Dilcan, Yaşar Dikmen, Mehmet Deniz, Özgür Özbek, Çetin Güner, Mıng Muhammad, Kaan Eşref Koç, Ersin Maden, Bayram Korkmaz, Zahit Öğüt, Ahmet Koçer, Ersen Dağlı, Süleyman Sakin, Necdet Arslan, Hidayet Şahin, Şehmus Temiz, Muzaffer Öksüz, Murat Çakmak, Yıldırım Akbaş, Ahmet Gürel, Rasim Mergen, Kader Alptuğ, Sezer Polat, Yaşar Öztürk, Yunus Beyoğlu, Ertuğrul Sevik, Süleyman Ekrem, Uğur Çil, Yahya Berkay Şahin, Celal Uluçay, Mehmet Altun, Gizem Özgün, Erdoğan Ergenç, Soner Yonca, Mehmet Önal, Mikail Mercan, İsmail Uçar, Mahmut Bozkurt, Fahrettin Çetinkaya, Zafer Uzuntaş, Habib Yılmaz, Nurettin Şimşek, Emrullah Gültekin, Ümit Ünal, Erol Bayraktar, Fadıl Setirek, Mevlüt Çetin, Yasin Tetikel, Hacı Ahmet Salman, Faysal Kızılırmak, Ercan Ortaç, Gökhan Kavak, Şerif Henderî, Şahin Körür, Talip Özkan, Uğur Koç, Halil Şen, Tuğrul Uluer, Erol Ergün, Kağan Horozal, Ercan Umut Dalman, Tarık Arslan, Emre Sağlam, Zeki Alter, Battal Baltacı, Halil Erdil, Mustafa Aksöyek, Tahsin Yeğen, Mecit Muhammed Madal, Emcet El Şvavbi, Emat Eldin, Musa Çakmak, Sıddık Ünal, Ahmet El Hassan, Abdurrahman Tam, Okan Gülsoy, Abdullah Kara, Süleyman Korkmaz, Hamza Malgaz, Mehmet Birgi, Mehmet Ali Söken, Selim Cagcag, Osman Kaya, Bünyamin Güneş, Erdoğan Şişeci, Ferit Akyapı, Kerem Kader Başol, Cengiz Umut, Ali Köse, Yılmaz Atak, Arap Kefenek, İslam Gasyak, Ömer Sayım, İbrahim Sarımehmet, Osman Küçüknalbant, Ahmet Akdeniz, Hasan Argındoğan, Mindia Gatenadze, Ferhat Alabalık, Yılmaz Çiçek, Harun Alper Yalıçetin, Mahmut Ağdemir, İlhami Atılgan, Murat Tad, Ahmet Avcı, Fevzi Karataş, Muazzez Dönmez, Selda Yardımcı, Mehmet Ağdemir, Halim Can Keskin, Bülent Kesim, Hediye Aksoy, Mustafa Bülbül, Mazhar Palta, Yakup Çakır, Mustafa Memicik, Selim Yeşilçam, İbrahim Birincioğlu, Mustafa Yılmaz, Arif Kılıç, Halil Ümit Yıldız, Tekin Kaya, Mustafa Çankal, Murat Güler, Sonay Erer, Çetin Akbaş, Sinan Baygül, İbrahim Okçu, Eyüp Sönmez, Ercan Ender Yıldız, Mehmet Emir, Zeynel Sarı, Müslüm Çakır, Mustafa Kılınç, Yusuf Demirli, Münür Erdem, Tuncay (Dursun) Çakıroğlu, Mustafa Salebci, Mustafa Turgut, Velit Faris, Kemal Tekin, Ali Saçlı, Yasin İnce, Bayram Baran, Ramazan Çelik and three unidentified workers.