17 Under Custody Protesting World Water Forum
Police intervenes in a protest against the 5th World Water Forum, which began in Istanbul today. 17 activists defending the right to water and protesting the commodification of water were taken under custody.
No to Commodification of Water Platform, consisting of Turkey's Union of Engineers' and Architects' Chambers (TMMOB), several workers' groups and NGOs was among the organizers of the protest near the Forum arena in Sütlüce.
The platform condemned police violence against protesters and demanded immediate release of those taken under custody.
Ann Katherine Schneider and Payal Parikh from Internetional Rivers –an umbrella organization to protect rivers and defend the rights of communities that depend on them- were among the activists taken under police custody.
The World Water Forum, organized every three years by the World Water Council in close collaboration with the authorities of the hosting country, is the largest international event in the field of water.
More than 20 thousand participants from around the world gathered in Istanbul for the seven-day event. On the other hand, activists demanding a collective water policy this weekend will hold two counter forums.(TK/AGÜ)