17,057 Workers Die During AKP’s Term

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Laborer Health and Occupational Safety Assembly’s report states that at least 17,057 workers have died during governing term of the Justice and Development Party (AKP).
At least 146 workers in the last two months of 2002, at least 811 workers in 2003, at least 843 workers in 2004, at least 1,096 workers in 2005, at least 1,601 workers in 2006, at least 1,044 workers in 2007, at least 866 workers in 2008, at least 1,171 workers in 2009, at least 1,454 workers in 2010, at least 1,710 workers in 2011, at least 878 workers in 2012, at least 1,235 workers in 2013, at least 1,886 workers in 2014, at least 1,730 workers in 2015, at least 586 workers in the first four months of 2016 lost their lives.
The reasons of increase in fatal occupational accidents
- The of Laborer Health and Occupational Safety Assembly has listed the cause of increase in fatal occupational accidents:
- The situation reigning in our country is the existence of a regime of fatal occupational accidents. Many worker massacres such as Soma, Davutpaşa, Ostim, Torunlar, Isparta, Düzce, Ermenek, Esenyurt, Erzurum, Samsun, Güllük, Elbistan took place during this period.
- With the Labor Law No. 4857 they enacted as soon as they have come to power, flexible and insecure employment has become legal and with the slavery law they passed in TBMM (Grand National Assembly of Turkey) with the content of rental labor and special employment bureau, security in all works has totally gone away.
- Union movement has been suppressed, the laborers unionizing have been fired and pro-government unions have been made dominant.
- Immigration from rural areas to cities has accelerated, wages have been lowered through labor competition and poverty has become widespread.
- Child labor has become widespread with the 4+4+4 education system and covered millions.
- Retirement age has been elevated to 65. There are millions of old laborers who work despite being retired, have to work till pension and are not entitled to pension because of working uninsured.
- The programs and packages announced concerning women have aimed at imprisoning them in family life by making them work part-time.
- Millions of refugees work informally in Turkey as a result of wrong foreign and domestic policies. It brings many social issues along with itself.
- Thus, as a result of all these policies, fatal occupational accidents have increased and occupational sicknesses have become invisible. (NV/TK)