15,200 Files against Turkey Pending at ECHR

15,200 files from Turkey were pending at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in 2010. The only country that outnumbers Turkey in this aspect is Russia with 40,300 files pending.
The total number of applications submitted to the ECHR amounts to 139,560. From Turkey, 5,821 applications were filed in 2010 only.
According to the data, the number of applications filed from Turkey and Russia makes up for 40 percent of all applications submitted to the international court.
The number of applications against Turkey continuously increased over the past five years. 2,488 applications were filed in 2005; 2006 saw a slight decrease with 2,328 applications; followed by a clear and steady increase with 2,830 in 2007; 3,706 new files in 2008; 4,474 in 2009 and 5,821 in 2010.
Turkey takes lead in number of convictions
With a total of 5,821 applications from Turkey in 2010, the country ranks on third position among the 47 member states in relation to the total number of applications. However, considering the number of inhabitants compared to the number of applications, Turkey is on 24th position.
Turkey takes the lead in the number of convictions decreed by the ECHR between 1998 and 2010. Turkey is on top of the list with 2,539 decisions, followed by Italy and Russia.
Turkey and the violation of rights
About 50 percent of all decision in 2010 were dealing with Turkey, Russia, Romania and the Ukraine. Turkey was involved in 278 decisions in the last year, followed by Russia with 216 decisions and Romania and the Ukraine with 143 and 109 decisions respectively.
Turkey is the country with the highest number of decisions related to violations of rights in 2010. The first five countries on the list are Turkey (228), Russia (204), Romania (135), Poland (87) and Bulgaria (69).
Most applications decided against Turkey
The vast majority of the 2,573 decisions related to Turkey given by the ECHR between 1987 and 2010 resulted in convictions. 2,245 decisions referred to the violation of rights; an amicable solution was found for 204 files; 55 applications did not constitute a violation of rights and 69 decisions were concerned with other issues.
A total of 35,152 applications were filed against Turkey between 1998 and 2010; 18,921 were accepted.
Most decisions of the ECHR up to 2010 were related to the right to a fair trial and property rights.
Number of violations of prohibition of torture on the rise
For Turkey, the statistics regarding violations of the European Convention on Human Rights read as follows:
Right to a fair trial: 1,139; property rights: 574; Right to freedom and security: 516; prohibition of torture: 332; right to an effective application: 231; right to life: 222; maltreatment: 209; freedom of expression: 201; lack of effective investigation: 98; right to respect for private and family life: 74; freedom of assembly and association: 49; torture: 25; others: 56.
The number of violations of Article 3 of the Convention on the prohibition of torture saw an increase over the past six years: 16 cases in 2004; 28 each in 2005 and 2006; 47 in 2007; 57 cases in 2008; 56 in 2009 and 59 in 2010. (AS/EÖ/VK)