14 NGOs Underscore Syrian Refugee Rights in Turkey

14 NGOs* released a statement, reminding that they were still under “temporary protection status” and the related regulations have yet to be made.
Holding a press conference in Ankara, NGOs expressed that attacks and lynch attempts on refugees were worrisome.
Some of the highlights from the statement are as follows:
“Since April 2014, Syrian refugees are recognized under “temporary protection status” according to Law on Aliens and International Protection Article 91. However, no regulations have been drafted.
“Authorities must determine and make secondary regulations on how long the temporary status will last as well as how the status will be maintained or how some of the rights that have yet to apply for Syrians will be given.
“Syrian refugees are also individuals who has rights and whose rights need to be respected.
“Therefore, such definition with no judicial grounds must be abandoned immediately.
“Otherwise, Syrian refugees may be subjected to different type of violence other than the one they are already facing with working, accommodation and basic issues like education due to the lack of their judicial status.”
Hate speech
“The government and media have significant roles in the creation of a positive outlook. We believe that the lack of accurate and correct informing regarding the Syrians had a role in the rising of hate speech towards Syrians and is pushing those Syrians who like outside camps to “live just on their own”.
Camps in Syria
“Syrians have been displaced one more time without their willingness and moved to refugee camps. They were even convinced to go back to Syria.
“In addition, certain media in Turkey asserts that ‘safe’ camps will be established in Syria with help of Turkey. We would like to underline that these initiatives cause serious human rights and international violations.”
* The petition signing NGOs are as follows: Civil Society in the Penal System (CİSST), Gündem Children Association, Hamis Syria Culture House, Helsinki Citizens Association, Refuge and Migration Research Center (İGAMDER), Human Rights Association (İHD), Human Rights Agenda Association (İHGD), Association to Improve Human Resources (İKGV), Kaos-GL, Association to Solidarity With Refugees (Mülteci-Der), Health and Social Work Labor Union (SES), Association to Solidarity With Refugees and Immigrants (SGDD), Human Rights Association of Turkey (TİHV) and Amnesty Turkey. (YY/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.