13 Soldiers in Ankara Courthouse

13 active duty and retired military officers who were taken into custody on April 25 within the scope of Feb. 28 investigations that are leaded by the Ankara Deputy Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, are taken to Ankara Courthouse yesterday.
Retired General Fevzi Türkeri who was providing briefings to press members at Feb.28 period and the other military officers are going to testify to specially authorized Ankara Public Prosecutor Mustafa Bilgili.
7 active duty and 6 retired military officers were taken into custody on April 25 morning at the operations carried out in Ankara, İstanbul, İzmir and Kars.
At the first and second Feb.28 operations, 26 people were arrested including retired General Çevik Bir and retired Major General Erol Özkasnak. (EKN)