124 Thousand More People Unemployed in 2017

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Turkish Statistical Institute (Turkstat) has announced the workforce statistics for the year 2017.
In 2017, the number of unemployed people over the age of 15 across Turkey increased by 124 thousand people in comparison with the year 2016, becoming 3 million 454 thousand unemployed people in total.
As for the unemployment rate, it did not show any changes in comparison with the previous year, remaining at the level of 10.9 percent.
A decrease of 0.2 percent in men, an increase of 0.4 percent in women
The unemployment rate of men decreased by 0.2 points while the unemployment rate of women increased by 0.4 points. These figures show that the unemployment rate of men in 2017 is 9.4 percent and the unemployment rate of women is 14.1 percent.
An increase of 1.2 points in youth unemployment
It has been estimated that the rate of non-agricultural unemployment did not show any changes in comparison with the previous year, remaining at the level of 13 percent.
The rate of youth unemployment, which covers the ages between 15 and 24, increased by 1.2 points, becoming 20.8 percent in total. As for the rate of the unemployed between the ages of 15 and 64 did not show any changes, remaining at the level of 11.1 percent.
Employment rate has become 47.1 percent
The number of those who were employed in 2017 increased by 984 thousand people in comparison with the previous year, becoming 28 million 189 thousand people in total. The employment rate increased by 0.8 points, becoming 47.1 percent in total.
The employment rate of men increased by 0.5 points, becoming 65.6 percent in total, while the employment rate of women increased by 0.9 points, becoming 28.9 percent in total.
149 thousand more people work in agricultural sector
In 2017, the number of people who work in agricultural sector increased by 159 thousand people while the number of those who work in non-agricultural sectors increased by 823 thousand people. 19.4 percent of the ones who were employed in 2017 were in agricultural sector, 19.1 percent in industry, 7.4 percent in construction sector and 54.1 percent in service sector.
Employment participation rate is 52.8 percent
The labor force increased by 1 million 108 thousand people in comparison with the previous year, becoming 31 million 643 thousand people in total. As for the employment participation rate, it increased by 0.8 points, becoming 52.8 percent in total.
The highest unemployment rates are in Mardin, Batman, Şırnak and Siirt
While the highest unemployment rates were measured in Turkey's southeastern provinces of Mardin, Batman, Şırnak and Siirt with 26.9 percent, the lowest unemployment rates were measured in the provinces of Trabzon, Ordu, Giresun, Rize, Artvin and Gümüşhane with 3.6 percent.
While the highest employment rates were measured in the provinces of Kastamonu, Çankırı and Sinop with 54.5 percent, the lowest employment rates were measured in Turkey's southeastern provinces of Mardin, Batman, Şırnak and Siirt with 28.2 percent.
While the highest employment participation rates were measured in the provinces of Tekirdağ, Edirne and Kırklareli with 59.1 percent, the lowest employment participation rates were measured in Turkey's southeastern provinces of Mardin, Batman, Şırnak and Siirt. (BK/SD)