12 Childen Dead in Kobane Protests

According to a report by a children’s association, Gündem Çocuk Derneği, protests across Turkey related to ISIS’s advance in Kobane left at least 12 children dead, 55 arrested, 10 injured and 267 detained.
While the report claimed that Turkey not only violated several international agreements including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, but also didn’t respect children and didn’t fulfill its requirement to protect them from third persons.
The association urged all adults including officials to regard the interest of children and create a peaceful environment that will be the basis of a co-existence by listening to the needs and demands of those children.
Detained and arrested children
At least 267 children were detained.
Distribution according to cities:
İzmir: 12, Diyarbakır:32, Van:37, Ankara:1, Mersin:11, Batman:22, Cizre:3 Mardin:18, Siirt: 50, Hakkari:4, Muş:21, İstanbul:46, Antep:10
At least 55 children were arrested.
Distribution according to cities:
Diyarbakır:11, Van:20, Mersin:3, Batman:7, Cizre: Mardin:5, Siirt:2, Hakkari:3, Muş:4,
The report also mentioned that children witnessing the psychological and physical violence learnt that “people’s means to express their democratic demands were always responded with violence according to their observations,” the report said. (NV/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish and view the list of dead and injured children.