107 days have passed since the expert report was issued: Still no court ruling in İkizdere

* Photos: Lawyer Yakup Ş. Okumuşoğlu / Twitter
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Cengiz Construction, a company close to the government, has been operating in İşkencedere Valley in Rize's İkizdere in the Black Sea region. It is poised to open a stone quarry for its İyidere logistic harbor project.
In the face of the destruction to be caused by this project in the region, the people of İkizdere took legal action and filed a lawsuit demanding that the execution of the project be halted and the project be canceled.
As of today (January 28), it has been 107 days since the panel of experts issued an expert report in favor of İkizdere.
The panel of experts have concluded that the decision of "Environmental Impact Assessment (ÇED) report is not necessary" is not technically sufficient or viable. However, despite this report, the Rize Administrative Court has not handed down its ruling for 107 days since then.
In the meanwhile, the Cengiz Holding has been continuing with its activities destroying İkizdere, which it started on April 21, 2021.
Several nature and life defenders as well as the ones who have been struggling against the project for 283 days have now been protesting the court over its delayed ruling by sharing messages on social media under the hashtag "Defol Cengiz" (Go away Cengiz).
Social media users have recalled that the report is in favor of İkizdere and said that the court is turning a blind eye to the natural destruction.
Some of these social media messages are as follows:
Bilirkişi İkizdere'de taş ocağı olmaz diyeli 106 gün oldu. Mahkeme bekliyor, Cengiz İkizdere'yi yok ediyor.
— İkizdere Çevre Derneği (@ikizdere_icder) January 27, 2022
Ormanlarımızdan #DefolCengiz pic.twitter.com/qpJS3tJvK5
İkizdere Environment Association: "It has been 106 days since the expert said there could be no stone quarry in İkizdere. The court is waiting, Cengiz is destroying İkizdere. Get out of our forests, Cengiz"
#İkizdere Eskencidere'de 287 gündür doğa katliamı yapılıyor. Mahkeme ve devlet yetkilileri bu talanı görmezden geliyor.
— Karadeniz İsyandadır / #İstanbulSözleşmesiYaşatır (@karadenizisyan) January 27, 2022
Bilirkişi raporuna rağmen hala durdurma kararı vermeyen mahkeme kime hizmet ediyor? #DefolCengiz vadilerimizden, doğamızdan, yaşamımızdan, pic.twitter.com/5eMQUcZ0Iy
Black Sea has risen up / İstanbul Convention saves lives: "A destruction of nature has been going on in İkizdere Eskencidere for 287 days. The court and state authorities are turning a blind eye to this plunder. Whom is the court that has still not given a ruling of stay of execution despite the expert report serving? Cengiz; get out of our valleys, our nature, our life."
Bilirkişi İkizdere'de taş ocağı olmaz diyeli 106 gün oldu
— Salda Gölü Koruma Derneği (@SaldaDernek) January 27, 2022
Mahkeme bekliyor, İkizdere yok ediliyor
Cengiz Holding Halilağa Bakır/Altın Madeni projesi için Kazdağları'nda 3,5 milyon ağaç kesmeyi planlıyor
İkizdere'den Kazdağları'na doğa ve yaşam savunucuları diyor ki #DefolCengiz pic.twitter.com/TDNoyj6Hsd
Lake Salda Preservation Association: "It has been 106 days since the expert said that there could be no stone quarry in İkizdere. The court is waiting; İkizdere is being destroyed. Cengiz Holding is planning to cut down 3.5 million trees on Mount Ida for the Halilağa Copper / Gold Mine project. From İkizdere to Mount Ida, nature and life defenders say: Go away Cengiz."
3.5 milyon ağaç ve içinde yaşayan tüm canlıları yok etmek isteyen her kim olursa olsun karşısında biz doğa ve yaşam savunucularını görecektir.#DefolCengiz pic.twitter.com/GYndwW4UwU
— Her Yer Kazdağları #KazdağlarıHepimizin (@heryerkazdaglar) January 27, 2022
Everywhere is Mount Ida / Mount Ida belongs to us all: "Regardless of who wants to destroy 3.5 million trees and all living beings there, they will find us, nature and life defenders, against themselves. Go away, Cengiz."
Mahkeme görevini yerine getirmedi ve ranta, doğa talanına dur demedi!
— Kuzey Ormanları Savunması (@kuzeyormanlari) January 27, 2022
" ÇED gerekli değildir kararının teknik olarak yeterli ve uygun olmadığı" bilirkişi görüşüne rağmen İkizdere'de, taş ocağı ısrarı!
Sermayeniz bastın! #DefolCengiz pic.twitter.com/qlrPDmKIBW
Norhern Forests Defense: "The court has not fulfilled its duty and not said stop to plunder of nature! Despite the expert opinion of 'EIA is not necessary decision is not technically sufficient or viable', there is an insistence on a stone quarry in İkizdere. Down with your capital! Go away, Cengiz."
What's happening in İkizdere?A decision of urgent expropriation was taken in İskencedere Valley in the district with the Presidential decree for the quarry needed to be used in the logistics port construction to be built in the İkizdere, Rize. Thereupon, the villagers took action and set up a tent at the entrance of the valley, started to keep watch and took the decision to the court. However, Cengiz Holding employees, who would carry out the construction, entered the valley on April 21 and started to work for the stone quarry. Company employees, who came with the gendarmerie, asked the citizens who set up tents at the entrance of the valley and were on guard to remove their tents. Despite the reactions of the citizens on watch, the tents were lifted and the gendarmerie barricaded the entrance of the valley. In a short time, the construction machines started to work, and the people of the region flocked to the valley. Citizens said that the authorities of the company working in the valley did not have any permissions and that the work was illegal. The resisting villagers ensured that the construction machinery left the area with their protests. Law enforcement fined the villagers for failing to comply with the curfew declared as part of the COVID-19 pandemic measures. The villagers continued to resist despite the fines. On Sunday, April 25, the villagers whose roads were blocked came with trucks from the forest and demanded the cessation of the activity and the withdrawal of the gendarmerie. The gendarmerie did not withdraw and, as the resistance continued, they intervened with tear gas against the villagers. Several women were injured during the intervention, and the villagers were detained. The villagers, including İkizdere Associations Federation Chair Ziya Yıldırım, were later released. They were also fined due to the 3-day coronavirus lockdown. Despite the resistance, it was revealed that Cengiz İnşaat applied for a capacity increase on 3 March while the construction was continuing and the 11th Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure gave the company permission to open a new quarry. Having faced protests over the stone quarry project for weeks, Cengiz Holding stated that the site for the quarry was chosen by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. A natural archeological siteThe quarry that Cengiz Holding wants to open is located in the natural protected area, İkizdere-İşkence Valley. The Valley has been designated as the "New Thermal and Winter Tourism Destination" by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. In the region, on the other hand, the "exemplary plateau" model will be applied by the Ministry. Therefore, the region is considered as an exemplary plateau, a natural protected area, and a tourism area. The Anzer Plateau where the famous Anzer honey is produced, Çamlık Promenade, Çağrankaya Plateaus, and Ovit are also located in İkizdere. The economy of the district is generally based on agriculture. The main agricultural products are tea and potatoes, but small amounts of kiwis, corn, pears, and nuts are also grown. While cattle and sheep are fed with the transhumance method, beekeeping is another source of livelihood. Note: Six Hydroelectric Power Plants are operating in İkizdere Valley, one of the 200 protected valleys in the world and will be used by Cengiz İnşaat for the quarry, while two quarries are actively operating. |