1-day Strike from Unions: ‘Peace Against War’

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Confederation of Public Laborers’ Unions (KESK), Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions (DİSK), and Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) are going on a one-day strike on December 29, to protest against the curfews and blockades.
DİSK Chairperson Kani Beko, TMMOB Chairperson Mehmet Soğancı and KESK Co-chair Lami Özgen have attended the press conference held in DİSK headquarters with regards to the strike.
“We will use our power originating from production”
On the conference, DİSK Chairperson Kani Beko has read the joint-text for the press:
“Through military build-ups which remind of state of war, transforming schools, hospitals and public offices into military quarters and thus spreading the armed conflicts to the entire region, districts and provinces are being blockaded and evacuated, hundreds of people are being taken from their houses and jailed in closed gymnasiums, children and women are being targeted and slaughtered.
“We will not sit back and watch these developments driving our country to the gap; in order to warn the government, we will use our power originating from production and embodying our democratic reactions, and will not serve”
Quoting that they are going to participate with their press statements on central locations determined by local organizations, Beko has called for all labour and democracy forces to come together to construct peace and fraternity against war. (HK/DG)