‘1,636 classrooms closed in a week in Turkey due to COVID-19’

* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA)
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The Education and Science Laborers Union (Eğitim-Sen) has shared information about the number of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and close contacts amid in-class education in Turkey.
Covering the period between September 27 and October 1, the table shared by the Eğitim-Sen has shown that 1,636 classrooms have been closed due to COVID-19 in 36 cities, 154 districts and 16 villages.
While the number of COVID-19 cases and close contacts is 827 among teachers, it is 4,681 among students.
In its statement about the issue, the Eğitim-Sen has reiterated that "it will not accept the failure of the Ministry of National Education to take measures while pretending to want in-class education and it will keep struggling for all measures to be taken so that in-class education can continue in healthy and safe environments, which is the right of children."
The union has raised concerns that the Ministry has not been hiring permanent auxiliary staff for years and the needs have been waved aside by temporary appointments made via the Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR).
"Even though it has been a month since in-class education began, the need for auxiliary service personnel has still not been met in the wide majority of our schools," the union has said, underlining that "auxiliary personnel to work as cleaning workers must be hired in all schools immediately."
The union has stressed the importance of abandoning precarious employment and offering permanent and secured employment to ensure the continuity, regularity and quality of public services.
Noting that the Ministry of National Education considers the measures to be taken for in-class education to be limited to masks and cleaning products, the Eğitim-Sen has underlined that the Ministry has been constantly "postponing all other measures" such as offering additional classrooms and appointing new teachers to work permanently in public schools.
As the lack of such measures prevents the schools from offering education in less crowded classrooms, the union has emphasized that "in that case, an unhealthy and risky environment arises as teachers and students spend 40 minutes in the classroom while wearing masks."
Reiterating the need for reducing the duration of classes from 40 to 30 minutes within this context, the Eğitim-Sen has called on the Ministry of Education to introduce the necessary arrangements for this.
"Just as there are no ventilation systems in our schools, the window systems are also not sufficient for regular ventilation," the union has said, underlining that the necessary works are not done to ensure adequate ventilation amid the pandemic. Raising concerns about the forthcoming winter, the union has stressed that "it is important for students and teachers to have a healthy classroom environment." Urging the Ministry of National Education to "urgently start working on this issue," the Eğitim-Sen has said, "The continuation of in-class education must not be jeopardized." (AÖ/SD)