"Will Turkey participate in the war against Iraq? Will Turkey allow the deployment of US troops and the use of Turkish bases, airports and seaports? The Turkish Parliament will vote on these critical issues in the coming weeks! Join us in our call for "No" to these questions!"
Below is the release.
Dear Friends,
We are about to embark on a road that will bring great disasters upon the Middle East and the world at large. The war campaign against Iraq is being carried out in total disregard for international law and protests raised by the international community.
At this point, Turkey's stance bears great significance for the United States and the war league. The US is putting considerable pressure on the Turkish government. Turkey is in deep economic crisis and the government feels trapped.
We believe that Turkey should send a message of peace to the rest of the world by voting "NO!" to war. An opposition from Turkey to this war will deprive the US government and its allies of valuable support for an invasion of Iraq from the north. Creating a major setback to the drive for war, such a move will strengthen peace efforts and have direct impact on the developments in the region.
The worldwide escalation of militarization is alarming. We do not want to ever relive the violent tragedies of the past century. The 21st century should be one where international problems are resolved through non-violent methods, through international mechanisms of law and solidarity. Saying "NO!" to war in Iraq shall be a significant step in this direction.
The overwhelming majority of the people of Turkey are against this war (90% according to Turkish polls and 83% according to the US-based Pew Research Center poll). All sectors of the public are expressing their opposition to the war. NGOs are joining forces in many cities and forming platforms of action against war. There have been demonstrations in Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara. On December the 26th, a delegation representing 142 NGOs visited the Parliament and the Prime Minister and communicated the opposition of the people of Turkey to this war and demanded that the government and the Parliament respect the sentiments of the people they represent. Preparations are underway for a protest strike and larger demonstrations.
The Turkish government has already indicated that it will wait for the UN inspection reports and pursue the path of peace till the last minute. We are calling on you to support Turkey's efforts to resolve this conflict through non-violent means. Let the Turkish Government know that the world is asking for an end to plans for war and that Turkey has a strategic role to play in reversing this tide. Let us join our voices to ask Turkey to seize this historic opportunity and lead the international campaign for peace.
Please contact Turkish embassies and consulates in your vicinity by sending delegations, fax and e-mail messages AND send faxes and e-mail messages to officials in Ankara. Below is a sample message. Feel free to send it as is or, better still, to add your own comments.
The contacts/addresses for your messages and/or delegations are in the attached file (and below).
In solidarity,
We will appreciate it if you forward a copy of your messages to us at the following address:
(Suggested mode of address)
His Excellency .........
Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey
His Excellency Abdullah Gul
Prime Minister
Sample message
Your Excellency,
I believe that the Turkish government is faced with a historic mission. If it votes to join the US axis of war against Iraq, it will bear the responsibility of the death and suffering of thousands of people in Iraq as well as the suffering of its own people in Turkey. On the other hand, if it joins the international call for peace, it has the chance of changing the climate, not only in Iraq, but in the region as a whole in favor of peace. This will relieve some of the pressure on the Palestinian people whose suffering has reached devastating dimensions. Turkey should seize this opportunity and undertake this strategic and historic role.
The Turkish public and the international public have voiced an overwhelming opposition to the calls for war. We ask that the Turkish government respond not to the threats of the United States government, but to the strong dedication of its citizens and the citizens of the world to peace by saying "NO" to war. Please be assured of the support of the international consensus for peace behind your efforts to stop this outrageous aggression.
The worldwide escalation of militarization is alarming. We do not want to ever relive the violent tragedies of the past century. The 21st century should be one where international problems are resolved through non-violent methods, through international mechanisms of law and solidarity. Saying "NO" to war in Iraq shall be a significant step in this direction. We ask Turkey to seize this historic mission and join the international campaign for peace. Such is our wish and expectation from Turkey.
With my best regards,
Prime Minister
Abdullah Gul
Fax: +90.312 417 04 76
+90.312 419 54 43
e-mail: abdullah.gul@tbmm.gov.tr
or can be reached at http://www.abdullahgul.gen.tr/
Deputy Prime Minister
Ertugrul Yalcinbayir
fax: +90.312 419 54 43
e-mail: ertugrul.yalcinbayir@basbakanlik.gov.tr
Speaker of Government
Abdullatif Sener
e-mail: abdullatif.sener@basbakanlik.gov.tr
President of State
Ahmet Necdet Sezer
fax: +90.312 427 13 30
e-mail: cumhurbaskanligi@tccb.gov.tr
Head of Parliament
Bulent Arinc
e-mail: bulent.arinc@tbmm.gov.tr
Foreign Affairs Comission
Fax: +90.312 420 53 36
e-mail: disiskom@tbmm.gov.tr
National Defense Commission
Fax: +90.312 420 53 28
e-mail: savkom@tbmm.gov.tr
Human Rights Comission
Fax: +90. 312 420 53 94
e-mail: inshkkom@tbmm.gov.tr
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Yasar Yakis
Fax: +90.312 287 88 11
e-mail: info@mfa.gov.tr
President of Justice and Development Party (AKP)
(Ruling Party)
Tayyip Erdogan
President of Republican People's Party (CHP)
(Only Opposition Party in the Parliament)
Deniz Baykal
e-mail: dbaykal@chp.org.tr
The contact information and addresses of all Turkish embassies
The contact information and addresses of all Turkish consulates