bianet Male Violence Monitoring Report on Parliament agenda

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People's Democratic Party (HDP) Muş MP Şevin Çoşkun brought up the male violence monitoring report bianet prepared for November 25, the day for the elimination of violence against women in the Parliament.
According to the report, at least 296 women were killed by men between January 1, 2022, and November 23, 2022.
"Calls from women left unanswered"
Çoşkun requested that the Parliament should carry out an investigation into male violence giving reference to the data in bianet reports.
She said, "Violence against women brings murders, rape, abuse, intimidation, and poverty. Women are stating which urgent measures should be taken in this country in order to protect women's right to life with every opportunity and on all platforms and they are calling for a solution. As the continuing femicides and violence against women show us, such calls by women are overlooked by the government.
"I request in this scope a Parliamentary injury to be carried out, on the occasion of November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, to do research on femicides and violence against women in all their aspects, to prevent these, to take the necessary measures and to run the judicial proceedings effectively." (EMK/PE)